Double Offer*
*Just pay an extra $10 USD for a second Monster Zapper
Your payment and personal information is always safe. Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read over the internet.
*Just pay an extra $10 USD for a second Monster Zapper
Just pay an extra $10 USD
for a second Monster Zapper!
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*Just pay an extra $10 USD for a second Monster Zapper
The Monster Zapper is only 1 payment of $39.99 USD plus we will ship it out to you for free! And just pay an extra $10 USD for a second Monster Zapper.
Sales tax will be applied to orders from CA, NJ, NV & NY. A $10 USD shipping surcharge will be applied to orders from AK/HI.
A $20 USD shipping surcharge will be applied to orders from PR. 90 day Money Back Guarantee - Less P&H
YOUR CARD VERIFICATION NUMBER IS YOUR ADDITIONAL PROTECTION -- to ensure your credit card information is not being used fraudulently.
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If you are using a Visa or MasterCard, please provide the 3-digit CVV (Customer Verification Value). This is the non-embossed number printed on the signature panel on the back of the card immediately following the Visa or MC card account number. |
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If your credit card is an American Express card please provide the 4-digit CID (Confidential Identifier Number). This is the 4 digit, non-embossed number printed above your account number on the face of your card. |